Tuesday, May 6, 2008

We've been up and down this highway

Here's some newsworthies for you:

Ah Slate, how do I love thee. Slate ran an article reviewing a book, and the phenomenon of pop Christian culture, and it was like reading my own thoughts in an eloquent way. My favorite part of the article: Christian techno. Because apparently there are certain "God" chords that make music more Christian or inherently more religious than music of a similar genre. That's the only reason I can see for having techno Christian music. Stupid part of the article: the confinements of Christian music from the musician point of view. Really?? Is it because of the restriction of the God chords? Or you feel like you have to mention Jesus, God, faith or some other keyword in every song you write?? I own one Christian song and I like it alot. I would probably like many songs that weren't too stupid sounding. But yeah, why have imitation music when you can listen to the real thing.
ADDENDUM: I'm sorry, the stupidest thing about this article is the prank on the girl by making her think it was the Rapture. Um...don't you think God is watching you making people shit themselves because they think the world is ending?

The CDC has e-cards that you can send to your sexual partners after you have been diagnosed with a VD. Here's my favorite:
I suppose that it's a much easier way to break the news than a phone call. But....what do you put in the message area??

Tomorrow I head off to Russia. I've been looking forward to this trip for a while. I don't know anything about Russia and I don't plan to learn anything extra before I go. We have relatives over there so they have planned our activities and will be in charge of us. I'm excited!! Everything I will learn about Russia, I will learn from the Russian perspective. It should be interesting.

I got two new bras this weekend. They are fine except the there is a lethal bit of underwire that I'm going to have to take out. It pokes into my ribs and I'm constantly adjusting my clothes so I can fold a little barrier between my skin and bra. Sucks! I can't take it back either because they have a no return policy for their undergarments. Looks like Dr. Booklahver is going to have to surgically engineer her clothes for comfort.

Alright, I'm AUDI 5000. Pic of the day:

OH! And I started listening to The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. It's great and heartbreaking...


triciathered said...

Ew! Painful underwire! Good luck with the biopsy, errr...braopsy, Dr. Booklahver!

Have a blast in Russia!

tiny robot said...

I'll miss yous guys in the ol' USSR! Have a great trip!