Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Stitch and Moan

More pregnancy related news: I'm tired. Alot.

I'm completely apathetic about making food. I don't want to deal with it at all and, with all apologies to Triciathered, my fridge is suffering from it. Triciathered visited this weekend and opened the crisper drawer or, as I like to call it, "if it's not open, I don't know that it's there and therefore don't have to deal with it." Which is not the case because veggies will continue to decompose no matter how much you try to avoid their existence.

Even grocery shopping seems like a chore!! We were flopping around Whole Foods yesterday (complete with parking!) and it was so difficult to make a decision. I just kept thinking "ugh, if I buy it, I have to DO something with it."

I'm all for eating. In fact, I have to eat every two hours. Not because I want to, but because I will turn into a psycho hose-beast if I do not. And I can't eat a giant meal thinking it will tie me over. No, giant meals make me sick. Little meals all day long are the only thing to do. I love eating but it gets a little old when you have to do it all the time. And it's "snacky" food. No steak and potatoes but fruits, nuts, protein...

It tastes good, I'm just not used to it.

The midwife said I need to have 80 grams of protein a day. It's a huge amount, especially since I have to cook meat to get it. You know, instead of just slapping on my turkey lunchmeat to a piece of bread.

I think things will get better. Especially since I did buy some yogurt, grapes, and stuffed grape leaves yesterday. I already ate the grape leaves but it's nice to know that I have a few other snacks lying around.

The stitch part of this post: if I cough too much or move in a weird way, I get stitches in my side. Like the muscle is like "YO! You could do that before but uh uh, not now."

Allergy season is making this particular prego symptom so much fun.

Annnnnndddd scene.


tiny robot said...

What if you invested in a few smallish microwave meals? I have been hooked on the Lean Cuisine paninis lately. They take 2 1/2 mins to make and they're tasty and toasty (thanks to the gray miracle cooking surface!)

Another idea...HEB has low-sodium meatballs that come in a big bag in the freezer. You can pop a few of those babies in the microwave, and voila, insta-protein! they're quite yummy, but make sure you get the low-sodium ones...otherwise you'll be wolfing down water like nobody's business.

Anonymous said...

This week I tried out my canned fish. The anchovies are out. But, the kipper (aka smoked herring) was really good and one serving has 16 grams of protein and I think 8 grams of fat, some of which we know is good fat. I thought the flavor was good by itself, but you could also flake it on top of a salad.
Matt tried the can of sardines and said that they were okay, but that I might like them a lot because they are "olivey." That's probably because I bought the Mediterranean
-style sardines. These are also safe mercury-wise because they are tiny fish.