Thursday, April 3, 2008

Or I'll have to leave

I'm feeling very emotional today. Like straight-up sad. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the persistent allergies. Or the fact that I need some new shirts because I'm starting to get too big for my other shirts. Or my persistent backache. Or the apathy of a staff worker that I may or may not be in charge of but I just wish he would go away so I wouldn't have to maybe or not deal with him. BLECH! I just want to take a half day and buy some new shirts, go home, make some food, and then enjoy the rest of the day. You figure you get 48 hours for the weekend but it always feel way too short. And it's not like I'm spending it camped in front of the TV...I'm doing stuff!! But when I don't really do anything during the week besides cross stitch, things just pile up for the weekend. I need to take a vacation at home. But I'm not going to ......sooooo.....

I had a dream last night that Mr. Wonderful was two different people: Dave and Brian. In my dream, I was engaged to Dave but I was starting to lust after Brian because he was like Dave but he could do more things. He was burlier, stronger, more knowledgeable, just Dave 2.0 basically. I felt very conflicted in my dream because I was realllly into Brian but I didn't want to leave Dave out of loyalty. When I woke up this morning, I was relieved that Dave and Brian are the same person: Mr. Wonderful. I have dreams like this fairly frequently. Most of the time, Mr. Wonderful is just a little off and I always wake up feeling so thankful that he is not the person in the dream. Because he is so much better than that. What does that even mean?

My back has been hurting alot lately but it feels better today. I have tried to relieve the situation by doing back exercises (cat/cow, a few other prenatals that I have run across, knee twists) and by sleeping on a pillow. So I have one pillow for my head and the other one is like the vertical part of a T for my back. It seems to be working for now. Yeah! I hope it continues because back pain sucks. There's nothing you can do for it except what I've been trying.

That's all for now. I don't feel like posting a picture. Blech.

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