Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dreams can come true, look at me babe I'm into you

I have heard that when pregnant, your dreams become more vivid. I don't know that they have become more vivid because they were pretty vivid to start with. But I have remembered them more. Take with that what you will.

One night, I had a dream that this guy was berating me by calling me "Fattie." He kept saying "You're a fattie. Why are you so fat?" In the dream, I told him that I was pregnant and not a "fattie" and he needed to lay off.

The next night, I had a dream that there was a flashing, Vegas-like sign that said "Jelly Donut". There was also someone repeating "jelly donut, jelly donut" over and over again.

Naturally, the next day I got a jelly donut. It satisfied the craving but I'm still looking for the perfect jelly donut.
To me, the perfect jelly donut has some kind of red stuff in the middle with powder on top. Perfection!

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