Friday, June 13, 2008

RUDE! or hormonal imbalance??

So, I'm making my way to the cafeteria in the Capitol. As I mount the steps (yes, mount them), a trio of elderly people stop me and ask me if I know the way to the Governor's Mansion.* I say "Yes" and proceed to give them "booklahver" directions which involve lots of landmarks and description because that's how I remember things. Out of nowhere comes Mr. Mcthinkshehelps and, interrupting me, gives his version of directions. His directions are succinct and involve street names. I throw up my hands in kind of like a "dude, you totally interrupted me!" motion. The trio thanks him, he goes on his way and I stand there like an idiot. I was really pissed!! It's not like he and I were walking together and he interrupted me, he flew in from left field and interrupted me.

As I walked in the Capitol, Mr. Mcthinkshehelps was in front of me. It took all my control not to whip my shoe at him. I vowed that if we got in the elevator together, I would totally tell him off. Alas, my opportunity had passed and my gentle Southern manners won over my rockin' feminist angst.

I also wondered if I might have a) a hormonal imbalance or b) a "so hungry I'm bitchy" moment that would be really unnecessary in this situation. BUT: I just polled two people (a man and a woman) about this scenario and was told that that man was indeed rude.

There is a silver lining to this story: the cafeteria had chocolate cake which I have been craving all week. Huzzah!

Pic of the day:

*If you don't know, the Governor's Mansion was set ablaze early Sunday morning. It's a devastating loss because of the historic and significant nature of this building. Plans to renovate and remodel it have already been approved (I think) but it's just a shame that this event had to occur in the first place. Pics of the blaze here.

1 comment:

tiny robot said...

Honey, I don't think it's hormones. That guy was a prick and he deserved a good boot in the ass.

You, however, aren't a jerk, so you held back. No shame in that.

May his bladder burst and his children hate him.