Thursday, June 26, 2008

Battle of the first lady hopefuls!!

Is it wrong that I'm creeped out by Cindy McCain?? She looks like a Stepford wife. Observe:

She looks like the kind of well-dressed older lady that, if she were to come into your business or place of work, you wouldn't want to piss off because she could sue the crap out of you without blinking an eye. If you did piss her off or made her time there uncomfortable, she would give you a steely gaze with a "well, what CAN you do for me?" remark. She also doesn't look very maternal to me. Of course, the other side of the feelings of lack of maternity could be, despite her vast fortune, her recipe deceit. Now, I know a lot of people would say "what does looking maternal have to do with being the first lady and blah blah blah?" Short answer: nothing. Long answer: following politics as little as I do (my main source of news is Wait Wait Don't Tell Me), I base a lot of opinions on bits and pieces that I pick up around radio stations and/or news websites. And so far: all I get is some scary Mr. Potter-esque faces from Cindy with Recipegate not too far behind.

On the other hand, look at Michelle Obama:

No recipe scandals, she looks maternal and womanly, she just seems like the kind of lady that would come in your place of business and be very nice and polite. In fact, by the end, you probably would be laughing and thinking "what a nice lady!". She has been the victim of some stupid things too: Fox news-related mostly. I just get good feelings from her where Cindy McCain leaves me feeling like I just got classed, in her mind, as a servant.

For more info, read the current Newsweek's article on Cindy McCain. I haven't read it yet but I did read the one on Michelle Obama and it was good. Perhaps the one on Cindy will change my mind about her but....again, the picture still creeps me out.

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